One Father who has the Courage to Publicly Take on the “Woke” Establishment

Andrew Gutmann (Photo: NY Post)

As “wokeness” runs rampant in America’s public schools (and especially college campuses), most wealthy private K-12 schools had remained focused on classical education to the approval and support of parents paying their children’s tab.

But gradually this national infection has been invading those schools as well. Traditional, inclusive education where students are exposed to a variety of concepts and taught to actually think with some depth is under an insidious attack.

It is being replaced by an insidious “woke” mentality in which all of humanity (can never be aligned with common purpose or goals but) must be divided into two groups that can never be permitted to come together: victims and oppressors.

One parent at the $54,000 per year Brearley School in New York City had enough of the changes and proceeded to write one of the most powerful letters you’ll ever read. It was initially posted here and reported in the New York Post.  We’ve decided to post it below in its entirety. It is absolutely brilliant and I urge you to read it.

Read moreOne Father who has the Courage to Publicly Take on the “Woke” Establishment

Politics Over Science (An Exposé)

The political war against Hydroxychloroquine — that has likely cost thousands of lives.

Former Obama chief of staff and Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel famously said in 2008: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. …it’s an opportunity to do things that you think you could not before.”

Well, outside of war, America has had few national crises worse than this COVID-19 pandemic. And unfortunately, few have provided a greater opportunity for those who crave power to vastly expand it.

The pandemic has now resulted in the deaths of over 500,000 Americans and economically impacted nearly every family and small business. As bad as this has been, there is another enormous issue for the American people: The failure of those we rely on and entrust to prevent such catastrophes — or at least mitigate their damage. And perhaps even more alarming is the possibility that this failure is not due to incompetence — but intent.

I believe this saga to be one of the greatest medical scandals in American history. Perhaps like the New York state nursing home scandal, this saga will eventually receive the national media attention it deserves but until then it remains largely ignored.

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Politics Over Science (An Exposé)

The political war against Hydroxychloroquine — that has likely cost thousands of lives.

Doctors Testify

Americans Dying While Bureaucrats Nap – (Part 2)

(Part 2 of 2)

This is the second part of the summary of testimony heard by Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on December 8, 2020. It was the second recent hearing on the current progress with early out-patient treatment for COVID-19 and the successes that many front line physicians have had using inexpensive, repurposed drugs.

The previous testimony dealt mostly with the frustrations shared by these doctors trying to fight the war while the “generals,” well-removed from the front lines of the battle field, are making the wrong life-and-death decisions or occasionally the correct ones but at a snail’s pace.

Part one covered most of the opening statements by the six physicians giving testimony. This article deals with the responses the doctors gave to questions from the few committee members in attendance. It appeared only Republican senators Johnson, Paul and Hawley attended leaving senators Portman, Scott, Enzi, Lankford and Romney absent. On the Democrat side, only Senator Peters was initially present but he left immediately after his opening remarks never hearing any of the testimony. Democrat senators absent were Wood Hassen, Carper, Sinema, Harris and Rosen.

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Doctors Testify

Americans Dying While Bureaucrats Nap – (Part 2)

Doctors Testify

Americans Dying While Bureaucrats Nap – (Part 1)

(Part 1 of 2)

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee held its second recent hearing on the current progress with early out-patient treatment for the COVID-19 virus.

Six highly respected physicians from various specialties testified that they are frustrated with the snail’s pace of Washington’s COVID oversight bureaucracy’s response to rapidly changing information. They are also fed up with what appears to be a lack of urgency while Americans continue to die, needlessly in many cases.

In attendance at the Senate hearing were Drs. Armand Balboni, M.D., Ph.D., CEO of Appili Therapeutics, Jay Bhattacharya, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Medicine at Stanford University, Pierre Kory, M.D., Pulmonologist and Professor of Medicine at St. Luke’s Aurora Medical Center, Jane Orient, M.D., Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Ramin Oskoui, M.D., Cardiologist and CEO of Foxhall Cardiology and Jean-Jacques Rajter, M.D., Pulmonologist at Broward Health Medical Center.

There was absolutely stunning testimony about how little has changed for at-home or early out-patient treatment. The overarching theme was that now with over 300,000 Americans dead from COVID-19 there is still a decided lack of urgency with the federal healthcare bureaucracies. The traditionally, slow, methodical, double-blind studies are clearly thorough and wholly embraced by Dr. Fauci But when innovative therapies that have shown great successes on the front lines of the battle with this great enemy, are arrogantly dismissed by the bureaucracy, it is more than irresponsible, it is unethical.

And these physicians appear to have had enough of it.

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Doctors Testify

Americans Dying While Bureaucrats Nap – (Part 1)

Was the Presidential Election STOLEN? Why I think it was.

According to a Rasmussen poll conducted November 17-18, 47% of all voters or 73 million Americans (155 million votes counted so far) believe the November 3rd presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump.

This total includes 70% of Republicans who don’t believe it was a “free and fair election” and a stunning 30% of Democrats.

Many of us have been paying close attention to the attempts by Trump’s legal team to fight the “official” results in the courts. We believe Democrats fraudulently produced enough Biden votes (or eliminated Trump votes) in just a handful of counties in key battleground states to give those states and their electoral votes to the Democrat.

We know fraud occurred. There are now literally hundreds of evidential eyewitness testimonies and sworn affidavits showing illegal votes were cast and/or votes fraudulently tallied.

What I don’t know is — was that corruption widespread enough to flip the election to Trump.

I can only speak for myself so I’ll try to present the case why I have seen enough anecdotal or circumstantial evidence up to this point to conclude that — until I see information to the contrary — the presidential election was stolen from an incumbent president and that we are witnessing a (so far) bloodless coup.

Read moreWas the Presidential Election STOLEN? Why I think it was.

Doctors Testify:

Government May Cause “Massive Mortality”

On November 19, 2020, four physicians testified before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee chaired by Senator Ron Johnson (R.,WI).

Testifying were Peter McCullough, MD, vice chair of Internal Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and a professor of medicine at Texas A&M College of Medicine; Dr. George Fareed, MD, a Family Medicine Specialist who graduated from Harvard Medical School where he was a professor and also at the UCLA School of Medicine; Harvey A. Risch, MD, PhD., is Professor of Epidemiology, Yale School of Public Health; Ashish K. Jha, MD, MPH Professor of Health Services, Policy, and Practice Dean of the School of Public Health Brown University.

Dr. McCullough opened his remarks by saying that with this new surge in cases, hospitals are not yet at capacity but could be eventually overwhelmed (as flu season is just getting underway) if there isn’t early at-home intervention. He urged government officials to be more helpful in assisting primary care physicians with early COVID-19 treatments. Dr. McCullough stated unequivocally that “we prevent hospitalization and death.”

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Doctors Testify:

Government May Cause “Massive Mortality”

Fort McHenry and the Star Spangled Banner

Rockets Red Glare by Abraham Hunter.

I wrote this essay that was originally published by the American Thinker on September 14, 2014,  the 200th anniversary of Francis Scott Key’s writing of the Star Spangled Banner.

Given that Vice-President Pence gave his Republican VP nomination acceptance speech at Fort McHenry last evening, the site of the famed battle with the British Navy in Baltimore Harbor late in the War of 1812, I thought I’d re-publish the article and the story behind Key’s inspired poem.

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Two hundred years, on September 14th, it was the unlikely convergence of a physician and a lawyer that produced the most recited poem in American history. Its inspiration occurred just a few miles from Fort McHenry, located in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, the site of one of our nation’s most important military conflicts.

Read moreFort McHenry and the Star Spangled Banner

COVID-19: Maybe More Contagious — But Far Less Deadly

One of the earliest alerts that the COVID-19 virus was not the death sentence that most scientists in the mainstream made it out to be was by Stanford School of Medicine professor, Dr. John Ioannidis. He is ranked by Google Scholar as “one of the world’s 100 most-cited scientists” and is the publisher of more than a thousand studies.

Dr. Ioannidis looked at one of the first places of known infection, the Diamond Princess cruise ship, that was quarantined by Japanese officials on February 4. 700 passengers and crew were infected and 9 died.

By examining the demographic make-up of those infected on-board, Dr. Ioannidis concluded that the fatality rate in the U.S. would be nowhere near the early predictions of one to two million deaths. He thought at worst it would be comparable to annual influenza deaths.

Read moreCOVID-19: Maybe More Contagious — But Far Less Deadly

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