For those voters on the fence or long-time Democrats, this will likely be the America of Kamala Harris …
Many of you are not thrilled about either of the two candidates for President but are still likely to vote for Kamala Harris given you consider yourself to be a loyal Democrat. Before you do please consider this partial list of information contained here before you make that fateful decision.
Here are a number of key issues to examine in determining your level of agreement with the Democrat candidate:
Abortion –
- The political ‘buzz-phase’ this season is that Harris would protect a woman’s right to “reproductive freedom” meaning abortion. Of course, abortion is precisely the opposite of reproduction. Harris is by far, the most radical pro-abortion candidate in American history. She has gone out of her way to not vocalize any restrictions, including 3rd trimester abortions when asked on numerous occasions.
- Her running mate, Tim Walz, eagerly pushed Minnesota’s “Protect Reproductive Options Act” that has no restrictions (other than the health of the “mother”) on any abortions whatsoever including 3rd trimester abortions.
- As California Attorney General, Harris was a strong supporter of undermining crisis pregnancy centers in her state until the Supreme Court stopped her.
- Harris voted against the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act” that would have required treatment to an infant that survived an abortion attempt. She chose to leave the baby lie untreated until it died.
- Harris supports repeal of the Hyde Amendment that restricts tax dollars from being used to pay for abortions.
- (Donald Trump says he will seek no national law restricting abortion but will leave the matter in the hands of individual states much to the opposition of many in his own party, including his former Vice-President.)
Read morePrepare Yourself for the America of Kamala Harris … just in case