Have the Kaepernick and NFL protests resulted in more innocent black lives lost?

Would Nike have chose Colin Kaepernick for its ad campaign if a case could be made that because of his efforts more innocent black lives have been lost?

$39 million man Kaepernick’s protests (beginning in August 2016) and today’s NFL kneelers have given considerable political support to the Black Lives Matter movement under the belief that America’s police officers are unjustly targeting blacks to shoot and kill. If their goal was to truly to save black lives, they are not just failing but are potentially the criminals’ enablers.

Heather MacDonald of the Manhattan Institute reported that in 2016 (the most recent year such statistics are available), 7,881 blacks were homicide victims. This was an increase of nearly 900 from 2015 which was an increase of about the same amount between 2014 and 2015. Appalling to say the least.

Were these nearly two thousand additional blacks killed by police officers? No. They were mostly killed by black criminals.

In 2016 police shot and killed 233 blacks, the overwhelming majority of whom were armed. How many unarmed blacks were killed by police in 2016?  Just 16 according to the Washington Post.

Read moreHave the Kaepernick and NFL protests resulted in more innocent black lives lost?

A federal judge agrees. This person is neither male nor female

A federal judge in Colorado ruled that a “non-binary” Navy veteran, Dana Zzyym, does not have to indicate whether he/she is either male or female on the passport application. The plaintiff said he/she is neither and didn’t want to state an untruth on the application because the penalty would be a perjury charge.

The judge said that under the Passport Act of 1926, the State Department did not have the authority to enforce a “binary-only gender policy.”

Zzyym’s lawsuit began four years ago under the Obama State Department and continued into the Trump administration.

Dershowitz says Kavanaugh’s accuser must testify under oath

Longtime Harvard Law Professor and constitutional scholar, Alan Dershowitz said that Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s sexual assault accuser when they were teens, Christine Blasey Ford, has a constitutional duty to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

According to the Daily Caller, Dershowitz said, “Nobody should be referring to her as a victim and him as a perpetrator until we hear from both of them under oath, subject to cross-examination. … There is nothing more essential to American justice than the opportunity to cross-examine your accuser, to confront your accuser. It is in the Constitution.”

Read moreDershowitz says Kavanaugh’s accuser must testify under oath

Deep State employees paid 80% more than private sector workers

A couple of weeks ago there was uproar when President Trump announced he wanted to freeze the salaries of federal workers. Unfortunately he’s subsequently back off on the proposal.

What he ought to do is freeze federal (non-military) wages until they reach parity with private sector workers. He won’t do this of course because it would take years for the private sector to catch up.

After all, the five wealthiest counties in the country, based on median household income, all happen belong to the Deep State; all are surrounding counties of Washington, D.C.

Read moreDeep State employees paid 80% more than private sector workers

Take home pay up considerably under new tax law

When wage increases over the last year are combined with this year’s tax rate cuts, American workers are doing far better than they’ve done in years.

Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders says that because wages went up 2.7% in the last 12 months and inflation was up 2.9%, workers fell behind. Without others considerations he would be correct.

According to Andy Pudzer, former CEO and author of “The Capitalist Comeback: The Trump Boom and the Left’s Plot to Stop It,” there are other ways they’ve benefited to the extent that they’re now enjoying take-home pay increases not seen in years.

Read moreTake home pay up considerably under new tax law

United States now #1 in oil production

The United States Energy Information Administration (EIA) has just published their most recent estimates that show America is number one in oil production.

For the first time in two decades the U.S. now exceeds the oil extracted in Saudi Arabia and Russia since 1999.

Much of the growth is the result of increased production in western Texas, eastern New Mexico, the Gulf of Mexico and of course, the Bakken region in Montana and North Dakota.

Sexualizing Sesame Street (Please let kids be kids!)

Many in the LGBTQ community are celebrating today.

Why? Because one of the writers for Sesame Street has outed Bert and Ernie according to an article in the UK Sun.

Though Bert and Ernie have been a fixture on Sesame Street since 1969 and gay writer, Mark Saltzman joined the organization in 1984, he has modeled them after his relationship with his partner, Arnold Glassman.

Saltzman actually co-opted the beloved characters to fit his own personal relationship though it was 15 years after they were introduced. He told Queerty that he was Ernie and Glassman was Bert.

Read moreSexualizing Sesame Street (Please let kids be kids!)

America’s 51st and most powerful state: the “Deep State”

Project Veritas released an undercover video with State Department employee, Stuart Karaffa, who may be more representative of the Deep State (bureaucrats, career politicians, lobbyists, legal and consulting firms, D.C. media and other supporting services in and around the D.C. area).

He is a holdover from at least one previous administration and has nothing but disdain for the current one given that he is also a member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America.

When asked if he was worried being punished by the State Department for doing work for the Socialists on taxpayer time he said, “I have nothing to lose. It’s impossible to fire federal employees.”

Read moreAmerica’s 51st and most powerful state: the “Deep State”

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