California wildfires: Due to climate change or government mismanagement?

“300,000 acres and thousands of structures have burned in three enormous wildfires in California this week. Governor Jerry Brown has blamed fossil fuels and climate change.”

Most would think this news story was from this week but it is actually from September 2017.

This is the problem now in California: Nothing changes when it comes to radical “green” ideology overriding environmentally-conscious forest management.

Though the current fires in Northern California don’t yet make the all-time top three in terms of acres burned at 200,000, this one is the most deadly. And two of those top three all occurred within the last 12 months.

The current “Camp” fire is now the single deadliest in California history with over 40 dead, nearly all from one town, Paradise. Last year’s combined Napa and Sonoma wildfires that killed a total of 44 were the highest death toll from wildfires in a combined area.

Read moreCalifornia wildfires: Due to climate change or government mismanagement?

Health care options for America

(Sixth in a seven-part series: Medicare for All – Quality and Accessible Care for None)

Few Americans are satisfied with the current health care system. But actual medical care in America is not the problem, it’s second to none. What needs fixing is how we pay for it.

The health care payment system in the United States is clearly in need of major reform. Our challenge as a prosperous society is to compassionately provide necessary medical care to those who have difficulty affording it but also to ethically relieve those now burdened with the cost of care of others through considerably higher medical bills or insurance premiums.

One of out of every five Americans don’t pay anything for their care – but somebody does. Doctors and nurses don’t work for free. The people who pay for this care are the “neighbors” of those who got it free or subsidized. What makes this so unethical is that those “neighbors” who end up paying more than what they legitimately owe are mostly being charged extra without their knowledge.

When people don’t pay the cost of a service or product, they want all of it they can get. It’s not a criticism of them, it’s simply human nature. Demand skyrockets when something desirable is free. I’ve had ER physicians tell me they’ve often seen the same people, on Medicaid or without any insurance at all, show up in ER routinely for the most minor of injuries or ailments. Everyone should pay something even if its nominal. It would discourage frivolous use.

The better solution is to move toward a market-oriented system that still benevolently provides care for the truly needy but doesn’t allow others to abuse the system by showing up in ER every two weeks with the sniffles.

Read moreHealth care options for America

Medicare for All: Socialist destruction of American health care

(Fifth in a seven-part series: Medicare for All – Quality and Accessible Care for None)

If the Democrats win the House on Tuesday, the first bill they may pass is “Medicare for All” since it already has over 120 co-sponsors. These now admitted socialists would destroy the world’s greatest health care system due to their arrogance and addiction to political power.

Nearly all previous socialist efforts to destroy the free market have started with the same premise: The current system is so bad, so troubling that government must step in to take remedial action by imposing itself into the marketplace. Phrases like “single-payer,” “universal health care” or the current favorite, “Medicare for All,” are attractive marketing phrases designed to promote expanded government power. In reality, “restricted health care,” “shared shortages,” or “inaccessible care” would be more accurate when describing such concepts.

To socialists, the free market can’t be trusted because it’s just not fair the way it uses merit to produce winners and losers. It’s why government and academia are so closely ideologically aligned. Many have never worked one day of their lives dealing with free market competition. They just know they’re smarter and have better ideas better than those less intelligent simpletons who are out there actually doing the work.

Read moreMedicare for All: Socialist destruction of American health care

Democrats delaying tactics have already made an impact at SCOTUS

One of the successes of the Democrats strategy of delaying the final vote and potential installation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court is that beginning on October 1, cases are now being heard with just eight justices. This means that any ruling in a lower court that is deemed favorable to the political left, will likely stand with a 4 – 4 final decision.

The first case on the docket in this term for SCOTUS was Weyerhaeuser v. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This case has major constitutional implications as a family’s primary asset was essentially confiscated by the bureaucracy with no compensation in apparent violation of the 5th Amendment.

This is Edward Poitevent’s last chance is to keep the U.S. government from simply taking his 1,500 acre tree farm for its own specific use. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) ruled that the land in St. Tammany Parish, La. was a “potential backup habitat” for the Mississippi gopher frog” or as FWS calls it now that it wants Louisiana land, the “dusky gopher frog,” which on the Endangered Species list.

This land is very valuable, worth about $34 million according to Investor’s Business Daily, but the federal government won’t have to pay the Poitevent family anything for it.

Read moreDemocrats delaying tactics have already made an impact at SCOTUS

Deep State employees paid 80% more than private sector workers

A couple of weeks ago there was uproar when President Trump announced he wanted to freeze the salaries of federal workers. Unfortunately he’s subsequently back off on the proposal.

What he ought to do is freeze federal (non-military) wages until they reach parity with private sector workers. He won’t do this of course because it would take years for the private sector to catch up.

After all, the five wealthiest counties in the country, based on median household income, all happen belong to the Deep State; all are surrounding counties of Washington, D.C.

Read moreDeep State employees paid 80% more than private sector workers

America’s 51st and most powerful state: the “Deep State”

Project Veritas released an undercover video with State Department employee, Stuart Karaffa, who may be more representative of the Deep State (bureaucrats, career politicians, lobbyists, legal and consulting firms, D.C. media and other supporting services in and around the D.C. area).

He is a holdover from at least one previous administration and has nothing but disdain for the current one given that he is also a member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America.

When asked if he was worried being punished by the State Department for doing work for the Socialists on taxpayer time he said, “I have nothing to lose. It’s impossible to fire federal employees.”

Read moreAmerica’s 51st and most powerful state: the “Deep State”

Pennsylvania sticks it to home health care workers

Pennsylvania’s governor stuck it to home health care workers when he issued an executive order stating that all of the state’s 20,000 caregivers would, for all practical purposes, have to join and contribute to the United Homecare Workers of Pennsylvania, a partnership of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).

According to the article in National Review, AFSCME and SEIU were chosen exclusively after contributing more than $4 million to Tom Wolf’s campaigns since 2013.

Read morePennsylvania sticks it to home health care workers

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