Burn the American flag? No problem. Burn the LGBTQ flag? Get 15 years in prison.

An Iowa man, Adolfo Martinez, 30, was just sentenced to 30 days in jail for “third-degree harassment” and one year for “reckless use of fire” when he stole an LGBTQ flag from a local “church.” That doesn’t sound so bad but what sets this case apart is Martinez was sentenced to another 15 years on a hate crime charge.

Martinez may have thought this act could be no worse than if he had burned the American flag since the Supreme Court ruled in the case of Texas v. Johnson (1989) that (American) flag burning was protected speech under the First Amendment.

Read moreBurn the American flag? No problem. Burn the LGBTQ flag? Get 15 years in prison.

The hypocrisy of the Yankees and the cowardice of the Flyers in the Kate Smith controversy

Partially covered statue of Kate Smith at the Philadelphia Sports Complex. (Photo: NY Post)

This week the New York Yankees stopped using a recorded version of Kate Smith’s “God Bless America” that had been played during the seventh inning of each home game since 9/11.

Just a day later, the Philadelphia Flyers announced they were removing the Kate Smith statue next to its sports complex that was erected as a tribute to the deceased singer whom the team had adopted as its good luck charm after it won the Stanley Cup in 1974.

The Flyers released this statement: “While Kate Smith’s performance of ‘God Bless America’ cannot be erased from its place in Flyers history, that rendition will no longer be featured in our game presentations. And to ensure the sentiments stirred this week are no longer echoed, earlier today we completed the removal of the Kate Smith statue from its former location outside of our arena.”

Read moreThe hypocrisy of the Yankees and the cowardice of the Flyers in the Kate Smith controversy

The media said this was the face of an intimidating bigot. How wrong they were.

Photo: (Screen shot) NBC Today program. Nick Sandmann

Behold the face of a cocky, intimidating bully. Obviously an all-American bigot. A man, err, boy who needed to be summarily condemned by many of the most powerful media organizations in the country. And all this long before the 15-year-old grows his first whisker.

The mainstream media’s portrayal of the incident in Washington, D.C. on Friday, January 18th was far worse than the incident itself. It was deliberately caused by a well-traveled activist, whose background the media conveniently chose to ignore or not even look into. (See tweets at the end of this article.)

News organizations and reporters just didn’t get it wrong, they rapidly jumped to their desired conclusion by overlooking tons of evidence to the contrary right in front of their biased noses. They WANTED this Catholic kid to be a bigot; they NEEDED the kid to be a bigot. He just fit the narrative too perfectly.

Why? Mostly because he had a red MAGA hat on and was coming from an anti-abortion rally.  But also because he is white, male, Christian (and Catholic to boot).

Read moreThe media said this was the face of an intimidating bigot. How wrong they were.

One example of the deception of the mainstream media

Screen shot of the Washington Post website.

A few weeks ago, the Washington Post published an article criticizing President Trump for lying when he said that former President Obama had built a 10 foot wall around his home in Washington, D.C.

The headline read, “Trump claims there’s a 10-foot wall around the Obamas’ D.C. home. He is wrong.”

Though it appears the article is technically correct (the barrier around most of the home appears to be slightly less than 10 feet), it is enormously deceptive and another great example of the Deep State media closely examining and using any Trump statement to undermine his credibility with the American public.

Read moreOne example of the deception of the mainstream media

D.C. can’t fund border security but it can sure waste plenty of taxpayer dollars

Senator Rand Paul annually publishes a look into some of the federal government’s unbelievably wasteful programs and how the Deep State squanders taxpayers’ money.

In what he calls, “Chairman Rand Paul’s Festivus Report” he picks out some of the worst examples of “pork” totaling nearly $115 million. Though some might consider this to be minor in cost and scope relative to the entire federal budget, few listed here are things our national government should have any involvement with. (Keep in mind that the average taxpayer pays a little over $8,000 annually in federal taxes, so this sum represents the hard earn income taxes paid of about 14,000 households.)

Read moreD.C. can’t fund border security but it can sure waste plenty of taxpayer dollars

The entrapment of Lt. General Michael T. Flynn

(Second of two parts)

The political prosecution of Lt. General Michael Flynn began on January 24, 2017, just the second business day following the inauguration of Donald Trump. He was set up by then FBI Director James Comey and his second in command, Andrew McCabe.

They sent two FBI agents, Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka, to conduct what McCabe said was part of “an FBI training session.” The training session was obviously real-time practice on how to get a high ranking Trump official to perjure himself.

One of these two wasn’t just any FBI agent. Peter Strzok was the No. 2 official in the FBI’s counterintelligence division before joining Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team of investigators. Strzok became famous last year after he was fired by Mueller after the publication of his strongly anti-Trump texts to his extramarital girlfriend, FBI lawyer Lisa Page.

Read moreThe entrapment of Lt. General Michael T. Flynn

The unjust political prosecution of Lt. General Michael Flynn

Gen. Michael Flynn (center) and Gen. Stanley McChrystal (right)

(First of  two parts)

About a year ago, an American hero, Army Ranger and retired 3-star general, Michael Flynn, was forced to list his Alexandria, Virginia home for sale to help pay his legal fees to combat one of the most egregious political prosecutions in the nation’s history.

Former General Flynn is not a wealthy man having spent three decades in the Army. This prosecution has destroyed his ability to seek employment or acquire speaking engagements.

Tomorrow (Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2018), he is scheduled to be sentenced by District Judge (for the District of Columbia) Emmet Sullivan for pleading guilty to one count of lying to federal agents.

The former general’s plight is an American abomination. It is an appalling episode in our history which every justice-loving citizen should despise.

Read moreThe unjust political prosecution of Lt. General Michael Flynn

New Jersey could have one million new felons next week

(UPDATE: The Bergen County prosecutor has issued a letter of warning to its police officers that this new law places them at risk to be charged with a felony if they carry a firearm, off duty, that contains more than 10 rounds. Insane.)

Next Tuesday, December 11, New Jersey could intentionally convert as many as one million of its citizens into felons.

Governor, Phil Murphy recently received an early Christmas present when a federal appeals court ruled 2-1 that his new (anti-) gun law banning virtually any magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition is constitutional.

The court said that the law does not violate the Constitution’s Fifth Amendment’s “Takings Clause” because the high capacity magazines do not have to be turned in, just modified to prevent their containing more than 10 rounds.

The New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs had sought an injunction to prevent the law from taking effect.

The law was signed on June 13, 2018 with the stipulation that owners of these so-called “high capacity” magazines had to turn them over or modify them within the 180 day “grace” period. This means that the one million or so gun owners in the state, most of whom may be owners of magazines containing more than 10 rounds will be considered criminals of the fourth degree, a felony that could result in a sentence of 18 months in a New Jersey state prison.

Oh how I miss my home state.

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