About Us
The executive director of TheAmericanCitizen.org is a former small business (manufacturing) CEO. He has served on the boards of several additional for-profit companies. He is also a former chairman of a community hospital, having served as a trustee for three decades. He is a past chairman of the former Small Business (now “Economic”) Advisory Council of the Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank. Finally, he operates a stock market investment advisory website.
[Though director of TheAmericanCitizen.org, I am now an old baby boomer, a contemporary of the Vietnam-era generation. I never served in the military and have always felt some guilt about not doing so. I’m not a draft dodger because though I was eligible (1A), I was never drafted. But I didn’t volunteer either like many of my friends back then, some of whom never came home. Yes, I’ve done my civic duty by spending (literally thousands of) hours volunteering my expertise to my community but it never seemed enough to me. So though I never served my country militarily, perhaps I can serve it better civilly.
In the remaining years that God sees fit to give me, I’ll spend my “retirement” dedicated to promoting American ideals, shouting about her historical uniqueness and fighting against her attackers.]